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Choose You, Always: My Recent Health Scare and Why It's So Important to Prioritize Your Health

Breakfast at First Watch : Whole Grain , Avocados , Berries are great High Fiber Sources

This might be a little TMI for some, but I'm sharing this story because I know there are others out there going through something similar and not talking about it. For about a month, I noticed blood in my stool. For almost a year before that, I was dealing with constipation—possibly from being on Ozempic for six months last year, but I’m sure stress and anxiety also played a part.

To add to the mix, I’ve become a bit of a germaphobe since the pandemic. Last year, I traveled for work a lot—out of town for four days, home in Atlanta for only three. My body became so out of sync that I couldn't have a bowel movement until day three or four at home. And when I finally did, it was just small, nugget-like stools. It was the strangest thing.

But let’s be real for a moment—nobody talks about this stuff because it’s embarrassing. So, if you’ve made it this far, welcome to my insides (lol).

Seriously though, this year, I reached another low moment with my body and decided to try Ozempic again. At first, I felt great. My bathroom habits returned to normal. But as soon as I stopped taking it, I started straining and bleeding, sometimes daily. One day, there was so much blood in the toilet that it scared me enough to call my primary care physician (PCP).

I admit, part of me wanted to ignore it. My grandmother has colon cancer and had blood in her stool for a while before she got diagnosed, so naturally, my mind went to the worst-case scenario. I also worried about how much everything would cost. All these fears were holding me back when my health should have been my top priority.

Finally, I went to my PCP. She wasn’t worried but advised me to eat a high-fiber diet and referred me to a gastroenterologist. For the three weeks leading up to that appointment, I made sure to eat a lot of greens, nuts, fruit, and fiber—and the bleeding stopped.

This week, I had a colonoscopy. They found internal hemorrhoids, which was a huge relief. It wasn’t anything major, but it was a serious wake-up call for me. I’m not a teenager anymore. I can’t eat junk like I used to, and let’s be honest, when I had that scare, I was eating things like Snyder’s Hot Wing Pretzel Chunks (even though I’m pescatarian and constantly crave chicken wings). Those chunks were way too big, and the red dye definitely wasn’t helping. I’ve always loved hot fries and Cheetos, but it’s clear my body isn’t built for that anymore.

The moral of the story is this: choose you. The job will replace you if you're not there, the errands will still be waiting, and the chores will get done eventually. But your health—YOUR HEALTH IS YOUR WEALTH . I feel like I got this reminder earlier this year when I had pneumonia. You have to put yourself first.

Remember to get checked regularly. You are the greatest prize, and God made you perfect in your own right. You deserve to live this life fully, just as He intended. I love you, and I pray that you aren’t in denial or afraid to check on yourself.

I'd love to hear from you. Have you had a similar experience or a health scare that made you re-evaluate how you take care of yourself? Comment below, and let’s keep this conversation going. Know that I care about you and your well-being.

With allll my LOOVEEEE xoxo,

Tiara <3


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